
About Thermal Water

Thermal water, which is used for its healing power in our center, is rich in fluoride (1.25mg/L) and boric acid (7.16mg/L) minerals, which have a relaxing effect especially on muscle, skeletal and soft tissue diseases.

Because of these qualities, it is recommended as a form of treatment that helps and supports medical approaches for long-standing rheumatic diseases, non-inflammatory joint pain, chronic low back pain, myositis and tendonitis (inflammation of muscles and tendons accompanied by pain), and common muscle pain called fibromyalgia syndrome, soft tissue diseases that can lead to serious problems such as weakness, tension, fatigue, waking up from rest and impaired concentration.


Effects of Thermal Water

  • Improving overall health
  • Strengthening the immune system to make the body resistant to diseases
  • Reducing the findings and complaints related to existing diseases
  • Taking precautions to ensure that there are no permanent damages

The values of thermal water in FT Lotus Life*

  • Temperature: 45°C
  • Total mineralization: 1402.5 mg/lt
  • PH value: Ph 8.3
  • Chemical properties: Fluoride, boric acid

*According to the Report of the Medical Evaluation Board approved by the Public Health Institution of Turkey and Izmir Provincial Health Directorate.